
Support LemonAid Stand July 19th

Get your lemonade and support LemonAid!  On Saturday, July 19th at the Town of Halifax Farmers Market, LemonAid will be selling lemonade for $1 per cup.  All funds raised go to support the Hematology & Oncology Clinic at Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU.  Lemonade will be ready by 8am and sell until noon.

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The Town of Halifax, Virginia requests sealed bids for construction of The Halifax Community Clock Plaza, Phase One, located at 209 Main Street in Halifax, Virginia in the parking area of the old grocery building. The Base Bid of this contract consists of providing the base for and installing the new Clock (already purchased by the Halifax Village Association and stored on-site) and new sidewalk, seatwalls and planting. Improvements include demolition of existing asphalt, new asphalt and sidewalk, three seatwalls with lighting, clock base and electrical, donor pavers, planting and relocation of one waterline.

Sealed bids will be opened at 2:00 PM on Tuesday, August 5th in the Town office building located at Halifax Town Office, 70 South Main Street, Halifax, VA 24558.

There will be a project orientation meeting on Tuesday, July 15th at 2:00 p.m. at the Town Office building, located at 70 South Main Street, Halifax. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the scope of the project and an optional walk-through and discussion of project area. However, staff is available to answer questions prior to and after the meeting.

To receive access to digital plans and specifications, please contact: Ashleigh Marshall at Hill Studio, Tel: 540-342-5263.

For additional questions or to discuss aspects of requirements of the project, please contact Ashleigh Marshall, Hill Studio, Tel: 540-342-5263 or Carl Espy, Tel: 434-476-2343.

Town of Halifax 4th of July Holiday Schedule

To All Town of Halifax Customers:

Halifax Town Hall will be closed on Friday July 4th in observance of Independence Day. Please be aware that the Town of Halifax Solid Waste Department will conduct it solid waste pick-up and curbside recycling on the regular schedule.

1) Monday June 30 - Residents normally served on this day will have solid waste picked up. This area includes Mountain Road, Canterbury Drive, Woodview Road, Mimosa Drive, Oak Lane, Pine Road, Ash Street, Cedar Lane, Poplar Lane, Crawford Road, Academy Street, Ballpark Loop (within corporate limits). Craddock Street, Houston Street and Main Street (from Mountain Road south to the RR Tracks).

2) Tuesday July 1 - Residents normally served on this day will have solid waste picked up. This area includes properties along US Hwy 501 south from the RR Tracks to the corporate limits, Spencer Lane, Golf Course Road, Brook Run, Cowford Road, Meadow Drive, Banister Road, Gatha's Trail and Ballou Trail.

3) Wednesday July 2 - The Town of Halifax Solid Waste Department will conduct its regular weekly curbside recycling on this day.

4) Thursday July 3 - Residents normally served on this day will have solid waste picked up. This area includes Maple Avenue, Buena Vista Drive, Park Lane, Lakeside Drive, Harding Street, Snead Lane, Cary Street, Elam Street, Hedderly Street, Jackson Street, Back Street, Main Street (from Mountain Road north on US Hwy 501 and east on VA Hwy 360 to the corporate limits).

5) Friday July 4 - The Town of Halifax will be closed for the July 4th holiday.

June 14th - Bird Feeder Cleaning

June 14th - Bird Feeder Cleaning at the Halifax Farmers Market.  Join the Southside Master Gardener Association from 8 to 11 am on saturday June 8th at the Halfiax Farmers Market for bird feeder cleaning.  Birds are very important to the health of our gardens.  Bring your bird feeders for a cleaning and learn more about these fascinating creatures.  As always we will be there to answer your gardening questions.  For more information visit our website at or call the Halifax Extension Office at 434-476-2147.

Out and About: Halicraft