
May 5th Dan River Region Community Forum



Town of Halifax Street Sweeping Scheduled

Public Service Announcement:


The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), will conduct street sweeping service within the Town of Halifax on Tuesday March 31st starting at the Banister River bridge on VA Scenic Byway 360 (Bethel Road) and progressing on North Main Steet (Junction US Highway 501) on all VDOT maintained primary roads with curb and gutter, including some residential, residential mixed-use and commercial areas.  VDOT will scchedule another street sweeping service later in the spring to address secondary roads with curb and gutter.

The VDOT crew plans to sweep the sections along Edmunds Boulevard, the Main Street commercial area from the intersection of Mountain Road to the railroad tracks after 5:00 pm as a convenience to businesses and patrons.

The purpose is to clear any sand residue remaining from road applications during the winter months as performed routinely on an annual basis.

Residents and businesses within the town are encouraged to park vehicles off-street to allow the VDOT road creew full access to curb and gutter areas.  The Halifax Police Department will assist with notification and the temporary relocation of any vehicles blocking the sweeping areas.

Once the streep sweeping machinery has passed through each area, on-street parking may resume promptly.

Weather permitting, VDOT will complete the street sweeping service in one day or continuee the road work if necessary on Wednesday April 1st, weather permitting.  These dates are subject to change with as much advanced notification as possible.

2015 HaliHealth Health Fair


Halicraft Art Festival

Mountain Road Historic District Informational Meeting

February 5, 2015

HALIFAX, VA - The Town of Halifax Would like to remind all those interested that a Public Meeting will be held at 5:30 pm on Monday, February 9th at Halifax Town Hall, 70 South Main Street to kick off the Mountain Road Historic District Boundary Expansion and National Register Nomination Update Project.  The project, includes the addition of approximately 39 properties to the existing Mountain Road Historic District, which ws listed on the Viurginia Landmarks Register and National Register of Historic Places in 1983.  Information on the properties within the existing district boundary will be updated.  The project is made possible by a Cost-Share Grant from the Virginia Department of Historic Resources (DHR).  Marc Wagner, Director of the Capital Region Office of DHR will serve as project manager with Hill Studio of Roanoke serving as the consultant.  The Halifax County Historical Society will support the project by providing valuable research and documentation of the historic properties in the expanded district.

Please plan to attend the meeting on February 9th to learn more about the project and to share information, historic photographs or maps and any other memorabilia you may have that relates to the Mountain Road Historic District.  Marc Wagner (DHR) and members of Hill Studio will be present to answer questions and make copies of information you may bring.  Your information will be invaluable to the survey project and this is a wonderful opportunity to archive information about the Mountain Raod Historic District.  When the survey is complete, all informatin will be available to the public at the Town Offices or the DHR Archives in Richmond.

A survey of the historic resources within the existing historic district and the porposed expansion area assists with town planning and development and is the first step to creating an accurate and comprehensive document for updating and expanding the Mountain Road Historic District, which is listed on the Virginia Landmarks Register and the National Register of Historic Places.  All property owners within and adjacent to the existing and expanded historic district will be notified of a public hearing to be held in May prior to the consideration of the updated historic district nomination by the Historic Resources Boad at its June 2015 quarterly meeting.  Designation on the state or national registers places no restrictions on owners of property witnin the existing and proposed district expansion area.  However listing properties as "contributing" to a district's historic character does enable its owners to seek federal and state tax credits for historic rehabilitations which must conform to specified standards for restoring historic properties.

The Department of Historic Resources also provides administrative support for the cost-share projects in addition to the grants.  In 1991 the Department of Historic Resources created the cost share program, which requires matching local funds, to assist localities in meeting a state mandate that they update their comprehensive planning every five years.  The funding for the program is determined by the General Assembly each year.  Cost-share awards are highly competitive.  Last year the Department of Historic Resources received 18 applications and funded 15 grants.  Past projects funded by the DHR Cost-Share Grant program include the Town of Halifax Courthouse Historic District and the Halfiax County Historic Architectural Survey, which along with other resources, provided important data for the Halifax County Historical Society's upcoming publication, An Architectural History of Halifax County, Virginia. 

Details about the Cost Share Program are provided on the website of the Department of Historic Resources at

For further information, contact Carl Espy, Halifax Town Manager (434-476-2343) or Alison Blanton, Hill Studio (540-342-5263) or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.